Castle of Valentino, Turin (Italy)
6th-7th-8th-9th July 2010

Fiat chose to present 500 Twin Air at the Valentino Park, the green oasis of Turin. The location is the Salone d’Onore of Valentino Castle.
In the courtyard the cars lined up wait for the national and international press.

The walkway is bordered by a structure covered with a turf recalling the hedge of the Italian garden and representing the 500 logo.

Inside the Salone d’Onore, a contemporary and high-tech installation interacts and contrasts with the richness of the seventeenth-century frescoes covering the walls of the hall.
White is the dominant color. Transparency and steel are the characterizing attributes of the environment.
A central catwalk divides the hall and at the centre the Twin Air engine is exposed as it was a piece of art. Four vertical screens host the video contributions and the speech supports of the press conference, outlining the structure that seems to float in the room.
The Hall of Colums is used as a technical atelier of the Twin Air engine, where single stations host Ipad as futuristic flowerpetals.